Sunday, February 11, 2007

These are some Dune Sunflowers at school. I have been trying to get shots of them all week. Problem... wind, almost every day. Wind and macro don't mix well!! lol These are the ones I was happy with.

Click the pictures for a larger view.
All shot with 100mm lens, f/11 or f/16 and 1/20 exposure
Friday, February 9, 2007

Had some great cloud cover last week with the full moon. The bad news is they were fast moving, hard to shoot fast action in the dark. The first shot is the moon after the clouds have moved away. CC welcome

#1 f/8 1/320 500mm with a 2 and a 1.4 extender
#2 & #3 f/5.6 1/5 sec. iso 400 135mm zoom

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