Parade Time

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fall means high school homecoming. The middle school Amelia attends will split between tow high schools (although 90% will go to one). Because of this, the band is invited to march in both homecoming parades. That means the color guard marches as well. This year some of the girls will be spinning a rifle during the parades. Here are a couple photos. It was dark, so they are not the best. That is ok, I get another chance in a couple weeks!

Birds on Sanibel

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Here are some of the birds we saw on the island. I went out about 7:30 am to get these, keeping the sun behind me.

First up is a Great Blue Heron. He was standing around watching the waves.

Next is a gull. He was looking for food in all the shells.

Finally, an Eastern Willet.

Our Views in Sanibel

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Michael & I spent the weekend on Captiva Island, just north of Sanibel Island. The resort was very nice. Here is the view of one harbor from our balcony.

Also a view across the golf course.

Finally, a sand dollar and driftwood on the beach.

I have some bird photos to edit and post. Look for those this week.

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