My Dear Husband

Saturday, November 30, 2013
If you have been reading my Thankful posts on Facebook, you may have wondered why I haven't mentioned my husband, Michael, yet. Shouldn't he be at the top of my list? Don't I think of him often? Am I not thankful for him after all???

I have to wait, today is our Anniversary. It seems silly to write about him early in the month when he gets a whole day!!! 17 years ago, this man agreed to be my husband. That is the best way to put it.

We have known each other over 27 years. He says that he remembers the day we met very well. That he knew then there was something about me. He never claimed love at first sight, just that he was attracked to me. Probably more like lust. lol He was a 15 year old at the time. :) I love that story. Especially considering how many years later it was before we dated and then married.

I am not an easy wife. I can be a little temperamental, I have a temper, and I can be stubborn. But he puts up with me. He isn't perfect either. I think we balance each other out pretty well.

He is a wonderful father. He has his own way of showing his love, but it is there. I really can't find the words to describe him accurately in my eyes. He is everything I need. That's it... everything I need. I love you Michael, more than I can ever say. Happy Anniversary.

Thank You Shannon

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The month is winding down. Yet there is still much to be thankful for. Today is another life long friend.

I have known Shannon since January 1986. We met as Freshmen in high school, in biology class. Poor Ms. Stansil, she couldn't have seen what would happen by putting us together as lab partners. Hey, she is the one who told us that a frog's retina would bounce. It is not my fault that she did not like to see it happen. :)

That was the first of many misadventures we had through high school. Berkmar sighed a sigh of relief when I moved prior to our senior year. Yet, the move didn't keep us apart. Despite living in a time with our Facebook, cell phones, texting, etc... We stayed in touch.

Out friendship has survived time, distance, and many other of lives curve balls. She is still a strong presence in my life. She is Amelia's Godmother, and has always been apart of our lives.

She knew me when I was a teenager, that terrible time of insecurity of my life. She had seen me through quite a bit over the years. Now, she is a mother and has a lovely daughter.

I wish the physical distance between us was less, but the spiritual distance will never grow more. Thank you for being my friend.

My Friend Wendy

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
They say that people who are thrown together during a crisis or turmoil often become very close I agree with that 100%..

Let's go back to September of 2004. I had only lived in Stuart a couple of years. I was just beginning to make good friends. When what should appear in our forecast.... Hurricane Frances. We lived in a double wide which meant we needed to evacuate. We have three cats, no place to go with three cats.

Wendy, whom I only knew from the lunch room, opened her brand new home to my family and cats. Thus began the whirlwind month of September: Hurricane Frances, major power outages, a trip to her grandmother's house, a return to normalcy, and back to work.

Then mother nature proved she has a deeply twisted sense of humor as Hurricane Jeanne made a u-turn in the Atlantic and headed for us. Back to Wendy's house we went for another fun filled storm. This was followed by loss of power, generators, trying to keep the children busy, and an impromptu trip to Walt Disney World. An effort to keep everyone sane.

All I can tell you is that being that close to someone for a month, you are going to be friends or hate each other. We became friends. Our families have vacationed together, we spend a lot of time at each other's house, we have watched out children grow up. 

She make me laugh. She does paper crafting with me. She doesn't think I am weird for owning 10 different types of adhesive. :)

She is a true friend. We have been through much over the last 9 years. I am glad she is in my life. Thanks Wendy. 

My Friend Chris

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Today I am reaching far back into my life for this thankful post. I am thankful for my friend Chris. We met our senior year in high school. Too long ago to put down an actual year.

He has always been one to push the envelope, but in a good way. He speaks his mind and has always had a confidence that you couldn't help but notice.

He helped me discover my love of Broadway musicals. I shocked him the day I sang, on key, from Phantom of the Opera. Those high note days are long gone. He encouraged me to express myself and find my style.

He listened and gave advise when needed, always with love. He encouraged and called me out as well. He understands my southern charm. :) He helped me become a stronger, more confident woman.

Today we have grown apart; distance and time play a role. Thanks to Facebook I get a glimpse of his life today. He has found a wonderful man to become his husband. I am so happy for him. Despite the struggles he faces, I can tell he is happy and living life to the fullest. Thank you Chris for being a part of my life.

My Friends

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Today I am thankful for my DAWGS! I cannot believe that I met these ladies online 9+ years ago. Back then we were told to be worried about people we met online. After, everyone was hiding behind the anonymous computer monitor, everyone was a predator, and most certainly all the women were dirty old men. :)

Yet, I posted and talked and shared with these women. It was a couple years later when someone decided we should meet... in person!!! Again, all the warnings were issued by others. "I can't believe you are going." "How do you know who they are" It seemed unlikely that 20+ women were all lying about their identities.

Fast forward and there have been two large gatherings I have attended. A visit to one in Texas, and a few random dinners and meet ups through the years.

They saw me through the headache years. Listening to all my complaining and only offering support. They have sent good thoughts and prayers every time they have been requested. These ladies have a powerful connection as they always seem to work.

I have witnessed some growing stronger from several over the years. I can only thank them for sharing the experiences and struggles. It is a honor to witness.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention our token male, Steve. Who admitted to being a man from day one. He sees life through comedic eyes and makes it a funnier place.

Who knew that a bunch of women who started out with questions about photography and scrapbooking would turn into a wonderful and eclectic group of fiends. Not me, but I am sure glad it did.

I hope to get to see many of you next summer. :)

Thankful Thoughts

Sunday, November 3, 2013
It is November again; time to reflect on all the things I  thankful for. I am doing a daily post on Facebook to showcase all the good things in my life. But I am going to devote my blog to my friends. Several times this month I will focus on a particular friend, in no specific order. 

My friends have shaped my life in such profound ways that I cannot begin to thanks them. Hopefully I can show them how much they mean to me through my 

Unfortunately, I don't keep on daily contact with many of them. That does not diminish their importance in my life. 

Thank you to all the people in my life. You mean more than you will ever know. 

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