Life Defined

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Here is the mixed media canvas I created yesterday. I found the quote/definition on Pinterest. I really like it.

I retyped it, changed the fonts, and added some color to some words before printing.

I painted the canvas and covered it with papers. I added a few embellishments as well.

I realized a few things while doing this:
I love fonts
I love bright colors
I like empty space on my art

It is so easy to look at other creations and compare our Art to it. But I am embracing mine and what I like. After all, the art I create is for me and is should reflect my style and my tastes.


sandi rusch said...

Embrace your artist self!!! Love it.

I too, am a lover of the fonts. LOL

Just Me said...

Canvas is da bomb! It's gorgeous!

Paula said...

This is great Candice!

Design Credit

 photo 8636bd79-d395-4479-9409-b5974c4db524.png

 photo KHDIGI.jpeg  photo AshleyHughes.png
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 photo Pinterest.png  photo TPT.png


I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas!
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