Monday, January 15, 2007
Chasing Ibis

f/6.3 SS 1/400 ISO 400

f/6.3 SS 1/400 ISO 400

Trying to show you my hometown. Starting with a little bit of where I live. Birds of all kinds like to make south Florida their home. These ibis love the ranch. They were roosting in the top of the tree. I used my car to get close, then stood on the roof to get a closer shot. CC welcome.


Krissynae said...

Beautiful tree. I wish I could see the birds closer. Beautiful day

CK Photo said...

Me too!! I need a longer zoom.

Hope said...

You stood on the roof of your car to get that pic? and I'm not confident enough to get out of my car sometimes to take a shot. Love that story and good looking shot of the birds. Note to self: take the picture you want and don't care who's looking! You just inspired me. :)

Michelle said...

fun pics...and I love that you stood on your car :)

Sheri said...

these are so sool. great shot. feels very dreamy.

Patti said...

nice shots. well down climbing on the roof of the car (not sure I could do that). Don't you wish you had one of those thumping great pic zoom lenses you see at sporting events.

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