Tuesday, January 9, 2007
I am a Teacher!

f/4.0 SS 1/50 ISO 400

Beginning to introduce myself to my fellow POTD members. Here is one piece of me.... I am a teacher. Only PP was to sharpen, no flash used, adjusted the f-stop and took several shots to get the one I wanted. CC welcome


Teresa said...

I see this everyday, too, at my school. Now where did those silly kids go? :-)

Teresa said...
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Krissynae said...

This a great photo. Lovely classroom

cristina said...

by the looks of it, you're an elementary teacher (am i right?) i'm a hs math teacher and i know, my room never looks this cheerful. i don't know how you guys do it. i mean, the time to decorate, keep things posted, etc. all i have time for is teach (sometimes grade too, haha). tfs.

Design Credit

 photo 8636bd79-d395-4479-9409-b5974c4db524.png

 photo KHDIGI.jpeg  photo AshleyHughes.png
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