Another Week Gone

Thursday, June 19, 2008
The summer goes to fast! I had a wonderful time at the Dr. Jean Camp Kindergarten workshop last week. I got several ideas for my class next year. That is always a good thing. 

This week has been busy prepping Amelia's to paint this weekend. She got new bedding (I'll do another post about that) and the purple walls don't match the brown, blue, pink, orange, and yellow bedding! lol 

I am working on some school projects as well. YAY ME!! I usually have good intentions for the summer, and then don't do anything. But a few hours a week won't kill me. (and people think teachers don't work over the summer... ha) 

I need to plan our itinerary for our trip to Chicago. I am just overwhelmed by the restaurant choices, I don't know where to begin. But I have a few places I want to eat at, so I will get started on that soon. 

That is all. 


Lynette said...

You sound so organized. I would take a month after school's end before I would even do anything. Enjoy Chicago, I love it there.

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