Summer's Here

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Finally, summer is here. I am very ready for this break. It has been a long year, personally and professionally. I am ready for the break and a chance to recharge my enthusiasm. I did get a little teary eyed as we waved goodbye to the busses. 

I have 9 weeks off.  I am going to a conference next week that I am excited about. I have some plans for the summer, but there are some unknowns about next year. Hopefully, I will have some answers by the end of tomorrow. Otherwise, there is no need to do planning this summer.

Summer Plans
1. Read (I want to read at least 10 books this summer)
2. Scrap two days a week
3. Get out the camera and try to learn some more
4. Go to Disney World for 4 days
5. Go to Chicago for 8 days
6. Visit my family in Michigan 
7. Relax!!!


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