Thank You Shannon

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
The month is winding down. Yet there is still much to be thankful for. Today is another life long friend.

I have known Shannon since January 1986. We met as Freshmen in high school, in biology class. Poor Ms. Stansil, she couldn't have seen what would happen by putting us together as lab partners. Hey, she is the one who told us that a frog's retina would bounce. It is not my fault that she did not like to see it happen. :)

That was the first of many misadventures we had through high school. Berkmar sighed a sigh of relief when I moved prior to our senior year. Yet, the move didn't keep us apart. Despite living in a time with our Facebook, cell phones, texting, etc... We stayed in touch.

Out friendship has survived time, distance, and many other of lives curve balls. She is still a strong presence in my life. She is Amelia's Godmother, and has always been apart of our lives.

She knew me when I was a teenager, that terrible time of insecurity of my life. She had seen me through quite a bit over the years. Now, she is a mother and has a lovely daughter.

I wish the physical distance between us was less, but the spiritual distance will never grow more. Thank you for being my friend.


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