2009 Begins

Friday, January 2, 2009
Another year is upon us. I am very happy with the way 2008 turned out, am am looking forward to the new year. 

Once again, I am forgoing the resolutions. They get forgotten so quickly. Instead, I am focusing on one area of my life to make changes in. This year's word is 'communicate'. My definition is: to exchange thoughts, feeling, and ideas. My goals are as follows:

To communicate with my extended family more.
To communicate my needs and feelings to my immediate family.
To communicate with my friends, that means getting together more often. 
To communicate with others honestly.
To not be afraid of communication (this is a work related goal).
To communicate my goals to myself and be honest about my efforts at meeting them.

That is a good start. Amazing how one little word can interact in so many areas of my life. I have posted my word in my side bar, and on the wall of my scrap booking room. The visual reminder will keep me on task, I hope. 

What is your goal in 2009? 


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I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas! kevinandamanda.com/fonts
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