Week 1 Complete

Sunday, January 11, 2009
I made some goals for the week and met them. I am mailing out three cards tomorrow. I am updating my blog as I type. lol I stayed on top of my class work for my online class and faced a work issue. 
I didn't get a photo taken. I had an idea, just didn't do it. I will do two this week. My goals for this week.

1. Send out three cards
2. Take 2 photographs
3. At least one blog post
4. Journal 3 times during the week
Due: Jan. 17th. 

I'll let you know how I do. 


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 photo KHDIGI.jpeg  photo AshleyHughes.png
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I get the cutest handwriting fonts at Fonts for Peas! kevinandamanda.com/fonts
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